Smedley's latest video game purchase is Evil Owl III. He has been playing it for nearly a week, but has not conquered the mighty owl.

Smedley settles in for a bit of video game action. He impatiently watches the startup screen and reloades his saved game.

Level 4 costs Smedley 2 elves and a pixie. He battles like a berserker until he finally reaches the base of the owl's giant oak tree. His last elf lost all his armor, but still he fights on.

Reaching the upper level of the tree, Smedley confrontes the Evil Owl. Armed with only a Duncan Yo-Yo, Smedley's elf fights bravely but is eventually smashed flat by the owl's Hammer of Blasphemy.

It's getting late. Smedley curses and vows to avenge the fallen elf at a later time.

Go get some food
Go to sleep